Monday, March 7, 2011

No more diapers?

We have decided that Dakota is well on his way to being potty trained. It has been a game of trial and error for the past few months but I believe he is getting the idea. At first when we bought his potty he just played with it listening to the music it played. Pushing the button over and over to hear the wonderful sound effects it had. He had even went potty in it once but my excitement pretty much scared him into not attempting it again.  We had even bought his first set of big boy underwear with Cars the movie logo on them. He wore a pair once and when he hurt himself while wearing them he didn't want to even go near them for the longest time. I would ask him over and over if he wanted to be a big boy and wear his big boy underwear but he would just walk away and say "no". So, once again I felt like I was back at square one in the training department. So we patiently waited and waited for the time to be right where he would decide he was ready to try it again. He eventually decided he would sit on his potty and even use the toilet paper, of course with his diaper still on. So the timing was getting closer and closer to where we would see if he was ready. He would tag along with his daddy to the bathroom at home and even when we were out and about. Holding his daddy's hand and being a big sport watching what needed to be done. Finally this past week I had decided that I thought he was showing more and more signs that he was ready to try it again so I asked him if he wanted to show his baby brother what big boys do on the potty. He went to the bathroom and grabbed his potty and brought it out. I helped him take his diaper off and he sat down. The next thing I hear is the most wonderful sound.. the sound effects of his potty saying he had just went. This time I didn't react as ecstatic as I had previously done. He showed his baby brother and with a smile on his face we went to empty it. He was so proud of his accomplishment that he had decided he needed to go over and over in his potty for the next hour or so. He was awarded with a nice sugary treat and the potty training phase had begun. He decided to wear his big boy underwear and wears them proudly. Even running around the house saying "Vrrrooomm". 

Notice how his underwear is backwards! haa. He is so proud of himself I couldn't resist capturing this moment. A smiling boy proud that he put them on himself and being such a big boy. Love this kid!!

1 comment:

  1. my name is michael and i wear my underwear backward too
